How to connect myallocator with Loventis PMS


How to integrate and sync your existing Loventis account to your existing myallocator?

1. Prepare Myallocator

Create a Myallocator Account (if you don't have one):

Go to:

Myallocator → Manage → Property → General Details 

Fill all fields and set 'Download new Bookings' to 'On'

Myallocator → Manage→ Property → Automatic Adjustments

Set Automatic Adjustment to 'On' and set cancellation method to 'Keep rooms/beds blocked'

Myallocator→ Manage → Rooms → Setup Rooms

Enter your room types

Myallocator → Availability → Set Long-term

Enter your prices for all room types

(Availabilities will be set later by Loventis automatically)

If your Myallocator account is already connected to channels:

  • Make sure that you have read section 'Prerequisites'
  • Make a backup of your availabilities in Myallocator Manage Backups

If your Myallocator account is not yet connected to the channels:

  • Perfect, nothing can go wrong!
  • Connect the channels as your last step, once you have tested the connection between Loventis and Myallocator.
2. Configure Loventis

Loventis → Setting → General

Make sure that your time-zone is correct


Loventis → Settings → Channel Manager → Myallocator Account

Enter your Myallocator user name and password

→ If your data is correct, you will see more settings (room types, mapping, ...)


Loventis → Settings → Channel Manager → Mapping

Map your Myallocator room types to your Loventis rooms


Loventis → Settings → Channel Manager → Update Time-frame

This defines which dates are managed by Loventis.

Choose a date in the future to enable availability updates.

Choose a date in the past (e.g. yesterday) to disabled availability updates.

Hint: Choose the same date until which you have defined prices in Myallocator.

E.g. If you have set prices in Myallocator until December 31st, set the Update Timeframe also to December 31st.

Loventis → Settings → Channel Manager → Complete Update 

Click 'Start Update'

Now Loventis calculates your availabilities from today until the date you set as Update Time-frame and sends it to Myallocator.

→ DONE! Your Loventis account is now in sync with Myallocator.See the attached PDF below for a walkthrough of the integration process.

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