Tripadvisor Vacation Rentals has combined several popular Vacation Rental sites into a single management interface. By setting up your Tripadvisor Vacation Rentals property account, you will be able to market your property to each of the portals listed below.

- Before you set up Tripadivsor Vacation Rentals, make sure to read our in-depth article that discusses how calendar channels work, important issues such as how to deal with cancellations, dorm rooms, and many other important topics: Working with Calendar Channels (Vacation Rental Sites)
Selling Dorm/beds rooms is not recommended.
Calendar-based channels do not provide us with the number of customers that booked, so bookings for shared/dorm rooms will be imported as 1 bed by default, even though there could be more! It's safest to not update/sell dorm rooms on Tripadvisor vacation rentals.
Before you can connect with myallocator, you must first set up your Tripadvisor Vacation Rentals property account. If you haven't already done so, please set up your account here.
2.1 Importing myallocator's calendar to Tripadvisor
- Login to myallocator
- Open the Channels setup page
- Click on 'Add Channel'

- Search for 'Tripadvisor Vacation Rentals'
- Click on 'Not setup' to start the connection

- Check the box to enable the channel and click on 'Next'

- Choose the listing you will export to Tripadvisor and copy the myallocator calendar link available in the second field (

Keep myallocator page opened in your browser's tab and open a new one for the next steps
- Login to your Tripadvisor Vacation Rentals account

- Access your Tripadvisor Calendar
- Click on "Import"
- A box will pop-up to choose a calendar to import - click on "Other".
- Paste the URL copied from myallocator into the field indicating "Paste the calendar's export link (URL)"
- Name your imported calendar as you prefer
- Click on "Import" to save the calendar
2.2 Export Tripadvisor's calendar to myallocator
- Click on the listing's Calendar again
- Click on "Export" to obtain your Tripadvisor export calendar URL for this same listing
- Copy Tripadvisor's export URL

- Go back to myallocator mapping page
- Paste the URL that you just copied into the Exported calendar field in myallocator

Repeat the Import and Export steps above to all the listings/rooms you want to sync with Tripadvisor's Vacation Rentals
The calendars will be synchronized. Please check Working with Calendar Channels (ical connection) - Everything you need to know for more details about this connection.