Is it possible to have one myallocator account tied to multiple properties on a single channel?



In some cases, a property owner may have multiple listings, such as villas, apartments, hotel rooms, hostel rooms, etc.  Depending on the situation, the property owner may want to manage all of these listings with a single myallocator account.  This article discusses the systemic options and limitations regarding the management of these multiple listings.


  1. The OTA's/Channels will dictate whether you can manage your listings within a single channel account, or if you need to have separate accounts for each listing.  This is usually determined by the geographic area of each building, and whether the buildings are co-located with each other.  
    • Note: Please consult your OTA/Channel directly with any questions regarding the management of multiple listings.
  2. For each OTA account, you must have matching myallocator accounts.  
    • Examples:
      • If you have 1 property account, you only need 1 myallocator account
      • If you have 3 property accounts, you must also have 3 myallocator accounts

These scenarios are discussed in more detail below.

Scenario 1

In this scenario, we are going to assume that a property owner has the following:

  • 2 Villas
  • 5 Apartments
  • 6 Hostel Rooms
  • Each listing (villas, apartments, rooms) are housed within separate buildings, but they are near each other within the same geographic address
  • All of the OTAs (channels) allow these listings to be grouped into a single Property ID

In the above scenario, even though each listing is housed within a separate structure, all of the listings can be managed by a single OTA property account.  This is determined by the OTA rules and regulations (not by myallocator).

Since these listings can all be managed by a single property account on the OTA, myallocator can also manage all of these listings with a single myallocator account.


Scenario 2

In this scenario, we are going to assume that a property owner has the following:

  • 2 Villas
  • 5 Apartments
  • 6 Hostel Rooms
  • Each listing (villas, apartments, rooms) are housed within separate buildings, and they are located in different addresses
  • Some or all of the OTAs (channels) require these listings to have separate (multiple) property accounts

In the above scenario, even though each listing is owned by the same property manager, the OTA requires separate accounts for each listing.  This is determined by the OTA rules and regulations (not by myallocator).

Since these listings have separate property accounts on the OTA, myallocator must also have separate property accounts to match the OTA accounts.

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