Surf Holidays is an online booking site that provides various accommodations and surf schools in the best surf cities in the world.
1. Sign Up for an Account on Surf Holidays
Navigate here: to sign up for an Accommodation Account on Surf Holidays.
Make sure you DO NOT sign up as a surf school, even if you have one at your property. You will have an option to add information about your surf school later.
2. Surf Holidays Settings
1. How would you like to manage your bookings?: Set this to Live. Otherwise, you will have to log in to Surf Holidays each time you have a booking before it syncs with myallocator.
2. Channel Manager: Check the "Click Here to Enable Myallocator" box, and a special username and password will pop up. Take note of those as you will need to enter these into myallocator.
3. Myallocator Settings
Use the username and password generated in Surf Holidays to activate the channel on myallocator.

3.1. Map Your Rooms and Enter Any Channel-Specific Rate Differences
Map your myallocator rooms to your SurfHolidays rooms, and enter any channel specific rate differences, as you would on any other channel. Don't forget to send a Full Refresh.