Tax is being doubled when a Tripadvisor booking is sent to my PMS



A booking is placed via TripAdvisor and is forwarded to myallocator.  Myallocator receives that booking and forwards it to your connected Property Management System.  Once your PMS receives the booking, the PMS tax configuration is applied, but the resulting price is too high.  


This situation is caused by the following scenario:

  • Most channels send us the bookings with taxes excluded from their daily rates.  
  • Myallocator then forwards those rates (with taxes excluded) to your PMS.  Your PMS then takes those rates and adds your configured tax values to the booking total.
  • Due to how TripAdvisor works, they send the full rate (including taxes) to myallocator, which we then pass along to the PMS.


Typical Channel

  • Booking Rate $100
  • Taxes: $10.00
  • Rate sent to myallocator: $100
  • Myallocator sends $100 to PMS
  • PMS adds $10.00 to the booking
  • Correct value of $110.00 is calculated

Tripadvisor Channel

  • Booking Rate: $100
  • Taxes: $10.00
  • Rate sent to myallocator: $110.00
  • Myallocator sends $110.00 to PMS
  • PMS adds $10.00 to the booking
  • Wrong value of $120.00 is calculated


To work around this problem, please contact your PMS to determine the best options to solve this issue.

We are also working with TripAdvisor to see if they can change how booking rates are sent to us.



Currently only tax as percentage is supported. Per guest fixed amount taxes aren't possible. TripAdvisor might disable InstantBooking for you due to this limitation.

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