Tripadvisor is Setup, but it doesn't show in my Channel Count - why?
This article describes why the Tripadvisor channel doesn't show up in the Channels section counts correctly.
Tripadvisor is a unique channel, and their connection is setup differently from other channels (see here for setup instructions).
Because of its uniqueness, the Tripadvisor channel does not show up properly in the channel status page.
All that matters is that you see the green Tripadvisor status on the channel setup page:
Example 1: You do not have any channels setup
If you have setup Tripadivsor properly, and it's your only channel, myallocator will (incorrectly) display the following message.
You can ignore this message - it's simply cosmetic and does not mean anything.
Example 2: You have X of X channels configured
The 2nd problem you may notice is that Tripadvisor is not "counted" in the channels setup page, even though it's properly setup.
You can ignore this message - it's simply cosmetic and does not mean anything.
Example 3: Tripadvisor is missing from the Full Refresh Screen
Because of its uniqueness, the Tripadvisor channel does not show up on the list of channels on the Full Refresh Screen.
Have no fear - Tripadivsor is constantly updated by our database link between myallocator and Tripadivsor. There is no need to do a Full Refresh or Save for Tripadivsor.