This article will guide you on how to set up Checkfront room types in order to match with myallocator and channels (OTA's) configuration.
Many properties have multiple units within a single room type, such as:
- Double Private (3 Units -A,B,C.)
- Standard Suite (2 units)
- etc
Within Checkfront, many properties create unique "Items" for each of these rooms (units), such as:
- Mapleview 1 (Double Private A)
- Mapleview 2 (Double Private B)
- Mapleview 3 (Double Private C)
- And So On...
However, most External Channels (such as and Expedia) require you to market rooms (units) within one single "Room Type", for example:
- Double Private Room (Qty of units: 3)
- Standard Suite (Qty of units: 2), etc
When this happens, it creates a mismatch between the room setup within Checkfront, myallocator, and your external Channels:
Due to this mismatch, neither the channel nor myallocator know which Room (Mapleview 1, 2 or 3) the booking is for. When this happens, myallocator sends the booking to Checkfront, but does not know or state which specific room the booking is meant for. In this case, the property is required to select the appropriate room for the booking.
In order to solve this dilemma, you can setup Checkfront to work with "Room Types" instead of "Individual Rooms", by following the steps below:
1. Myallocator setup
Your first step is to setup the room type within myallocator properly. In order to do this, you need to create the Room Type, and specify how many rooms (units) you have within this same type, such as:
- One Bedroom with Kitchen
- Occupancy: 4 People
- Number of Rooms (units): 2
2. Channel Setup
Once the Room Type is setup in myallocator properly, next you will map the Room Type to your Channel Room Type.
If you need help with this process, please check this article: Step 4: Connect Your Channels and map your rooms
Checkfront Setup
Your next step is to create or modify the Item (units) within Checkfront to include the correct Quantity. Follow the steps below:
- Login to Checkfront
- Open the 'Inventory' tab
- Click on 'Items'
- Select the 'item' to be modified, if it already exists, or click on 'New Item'
- Assign the proper 'Category' to this item
- Near the bottom, click on 'Attributes'
- Set the 'Inventory' to the number of rooms (units) you have for this room type, for example, 2 units of the same room type.
- Click on 'Next'
- Click on 'Save'
- Confirm if Checkfront informs it is updated.
Checkfront and myallocator Calendars
Once the above steps have been completed, you will see a Quantity next to your desired Room Type, and it should match between Checkfront and myallocator:
External Bookings - Calendar Quantities
When a booking comes in for the room type from one of your connected channels, the Quantity will be reduced correctly in both myallocator and Checkfront:
External Bookings - Customer Calendar
When the booking is imported, the Customer Calendar will show one entry for each booking, as shown below:
External Bookings - Status
When the new booking comes in, it will be designated as "New". You must open the booking and update the status to reflect in the Calendar, according to the steps below:
- Click on 'new' to open the booking
- Import Booking
- Verify if the Room Type is correct
- Click on 'Add to Booking'
- Click on 'Next'
- Click on 'Continue'
- 'Continue' again
- Change the status from 'Pend' to 'Booked'
- Click on 'Update'