In order to login to myallocator - you need to enter your USERNAME and PASSWORD on the login page
If you can't log in or forgot your username/password - please check the instructions below:
Please note that the username and email are two separate things (although they can match). To access myallocator account you need to enter your myallocator USERNAME, not email
1. On login page click 'Forgot Username/Password'

2. Enter your myallocator registered email
3. An email with your username will be sent to your mailbox (email subject "Your myallocator login").
The email will also contain a password reset link. You can use it or ignore it if you remember your password
If there were several users registered under the same email - you will receive the list of all those users and password reset links for each of them

1. On login page click 'Forgot Username/Password'

2. Enter your myallocator registered email
3. An email with the password reset link will be sent to your mailbox (email subject "Your myallocator login")
If there were several users registered under the same email - you will receive the list of all those users and password reset links for each of them.
Click the reset link next to the user needed

4. Enter the new password and confirm it (re-enter)
Click SET
For security reasons, the password must be either be at least 25 characters in length OR be at least 8 characters and contain at least 1 number (digit), at least 1 letter (a-z), and at least 1 special character: ! @ # $ % & , . ;

5. Login with the new password
Please make sure you entered the password for the corresponding username
Please note that in order to login to myallocator - you need to enter your myallocator USERNAME, not registered email (although they can match)
If you forgot your registered email to request the password reset, try the following:
1) Check the mailboxes which you use and search the registration email by keyword "myallocator"
2) Contact our support team at mentioning your
- property name or
- username or
- myallocator property id
Our team will help you to regain access