icastelli.net offers you a unique collection of historical hotels all over the world, providing top service to its clientele, not simply a booking website but a Dedicated Club, with benefits and exclusive rates. A journey through the most beautiful destinations in the world including luxurious boutique hotels, design hotels or exclusive riads, for customers with particular needsthat are looking not only for the usual hotel, but something more, a unique travel experience.
Visit Icastelli official website by clicking here
Icastelli OTA: Frequently Asked Questions
- Before connecting to myallocator property needs to sign up to Icastelli using this link (https://www.icastelli.net/en/how-to-join-us). Icastelli will send the extranet details in order to access the channel's extranet.
The User extranet guide is available here (https://extranet.icastelli.net/help-center) after login with the below extranet details access.
2. Contact Icastelli Support for properties at property@icastelli.net and ask to connect your Icastelli account to myallocator channel manager. Once your Icastelli Account Manager confirms your account is connected you may start mapping process from myallocator side.
3. Login to myallocator, go to Manage > Channels > Add Channel > search for Icastello > click 'Not Setup'
4. Enter you Icastelli Hotel ID (not username!) and password
5. Map/link the rooms between myallocator and Icastelli, click NEXT after all rooms are mapped
6. Add Base Rate adjustment if needed (not mandatory). Click NEXT
7. You are done! With 'Send full refresh to Icasetelli.net' box checked, full refresh will be sent to Icastelli with availability/rates
Click BACK TO OVERVIEW to return to 'Channels' screen
Icastelli.net supports the following features: