How to Change the Preferred Language


In this article you will find instructions on how to change the preferred language under the General Details and user settings sections.

How does it work?

  • This setting currently only affects emails and error messages - The general system language is currently only available in English
  • The available options are English, Portuguese and Spanish
Setting / Section What does it affect?
User Preferred Language / Your User
  • User-specific emails
    • Password Reset emails
Property Preferred Language / General Details
  • Channel's Error Messages (updates to channels)
  • Property-Specific Emails:
    • Credit Card Password Resets emails
    • Booking Confirmations
    • Property-level email changes

How to Setup

Property Preferred Language - General Details

In order to switch the property preferred language please follow the steps below:

  1. go to 'Manage'
  2. click on 'General Details' section
  3. choose the language from drop-down menu by selecting 'Preferred Language'

This setting currently only affects emails and error messages

User Preferred Language - Your User Section

In order to switch the user preferred language please follow the steps below:

  1. go to 'Manage'
  2. click on 'Your User' section
  3. choose the language from drop-down menu by selecting 'Preferred Language'
  • This setting currently only affects emails and error messages
  • Different users can have different language settings
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