With BookNow button you can take commission-free bookings directly on your website. Check below how to quickly setup BookNow.
Step 2 -Activate BookNow and set up as needed
- Click to enable and select the best options below
Group Bookings - if the maximum number of allowed guests (as per BookNow settings) is exceeded, and the group bookings link is active, the guest will be shown a link to a group bookings site that you specified which will contain further instructions on how to make a booking with a bigger group of guests. You will need to have created and maintained this group bookings link that includes those additional instructions.
Step 3 - Payment Options
Choose the best payment option:
- Do not take payments
Only take credit card details (including CVV, Expiry Date, type of card allowed. Select this option if you:
- want to ask for security code of the credit card
- require the expiration date of the card to be after arrival date
- Choose the accepted credit card types
- The card is not charged at the time of booking. When you receive the credit card details from the booking, you can charge the card for the amount you wish, up to 100% of the booking
- State a policy on the booking page (use Customized Messaging) and follow the policy upon charging the card.
- Example: if you have 10% non-refundable deposit, you would charge 10% of the booking right away, and then 90% upon the guest arriving. Some properties may choose to charge 100% of the booking right away or any other percentage.
- Before you can take credit card details you need to set a credit card viewing password. Options will be visible once a password has been set.
- Use PayPal for confirmed payments (account required)
- Login to www.paypal.com
- Click on Activities
- Select API Access
- Scroll down and select Manage API Credentials
- Click Show and take a note of the three items below:
- API Username
- API Password
- Signature
- Enter items 1 through 3 into the BookNow Payments setup screen
- Scroll to the bottom of the BookNow setup page and click SAVE
Javascript is allowed for each of the below customizations
Customized Messaging
- Start screen
- Text below "Book Now!"
- Room selection screen, above room list
- Customer details screen, above customer details
- Payment screen, above payment details
- Completed booking screen
- Completed email comment
You can change the visual appearance by uploading your own CSS stylesheet (requires web design skills and is not included with myallocator).
- Click on Manage
- Select Website Integration
To add a Book Now button to your homepage you simply paste some HTML to you website's source code. There are a few more possible options:
- Either add a box to your website or a button which will open the box on top of the content;
- Change the visual style by supplying your own style sheet based on the standard template.
For every complete booking you will receive an email and it will also show up on the Incoming Bookings page on myallocator and the guest will also receive a booking confirmation. You should have Automatic Adjustments enabled then it will also reduce availability from myallocator and all configured channels.
Web design skills are required to add the code to your website. This service is not included with myallocator, so we recommend that you consult with a web designer.
This is the easiest method to add BookNow to your homepage. Add this code in the spot where you want your Book Now Box:
Add one of these buttons if you don't have enough space for the Book Now Box. You can also use your own buttons if you replace the path to the image.
You can add multiple BookNow boxes (iframe) to a single page. Go to:
- Manage
- Click on BookNow
- Website Integration, and copy the iframe snippet for each of your properties, then add them to your website.
Or, if you prefer, you can add the BookNow buttons instead of the iframe box. To do this, add the button script code (the last code snippet on the Website Integration page) only once, and then add the button codes for your separate properties.
You can add the BookNow button to several web pages by simply pasting the BookNow iframe URL into the website's source code.
You can differentiate the website source of those bookings coming in through different websites:
You need to append the end of your BookNow URL. E.g: '?source=website1' or '?source=website2'
Example: 'https://inbox.myallocator.com/booknow/mKZMdVMIzJGclq03D9zZhg?source=website1'.
- Whatever is written after 'source=' should show up on the booking.
- It should be just letters and numbers, no spaces or other characters.